Quiksound Productions is a group of dedicated young people aged 12 - 25 that work together to create music and cultural events relevant to young people in the City of Monash.
Quiksound events are fully supervised, drug, alcohol and smoke free.
Want to perform at a Quiksound event?
If you are an artist or band aged between 12 and 25 years with a connection to the City of Monash and interested in performance opportunities, please complete the Expression of Interest Form.
What is FReeZA?
FReeZA is a Victorian Government initiative that provides financial assistance to organisations, for young people to organise and run safe and responsible events. 'Quiksound Productions' is the FReeZA committee for the City of Monash. Quiksound Productions meet and operate from Monash Youth Services.
Who can join?
For more information about Quiksound Productions or to join the committee, please contact Monash Youth Services on 9518 3900 or email youth@monash.vic.gov.au
If you're in a band and would like to play at one of Quiksound's events, send in a demo and biography to the contact info at the top of the page to the attention of: Quiksound Productions.