Talking Trees - 4 years on
Published on 18 June 2024
Check out Josie’s Tree Guardian Profile here:
How does it feel to see the Talking Trees project come to life?
It's been 4 years since Monash Youth Ambassadors put this program into effect and it's been so lovely to watch it flourish from afar! I feel that although the project has taken a while - after finding Tree Guardians, collaborating with Precious Plastics through the pandemic and finally placing the QR codes on trees - the process is emblematic of the way we should be tackling sustainability. Always with an eye on the future, with patience, and staying loyal to the best practices to keep integrity.
Have your actions towards sustainability changed?
My own sustainable practices remain largely unchanged - focussing on recycling, composting, and trying to minimise waste. While my frequent driving practice feels counter-productive, I also regularly use public transport to move around Melbourne, which is fantastic for my independence! As I've become more active in buying things for myself I am also very conscious of the sources and values of the companies behind my clothes, makeup, and gifts. I try to focus on quality rather than quantity and support local makers to reduce mileage.
Do you have any additional thoughts regarding what a sustainable future for Monash could look like?
My 14-year-old self held grand hopes for clean, green power across Monash, and while this is something I still wish for the future, I also recognise these things do not come about easily. The best sustainable practices come from lifting up intersectional community voices, consulting experts and creating step-by-step, actionable plans for the future. In Monash, I would love to see plenty of native plants, trees, and woodlands to allow animals and ecosystems to thrive, walkable and bikeable communities, and reliable, effective public transport. As ever, education and an open conversation about the reality of sustainability in schools and across the community is vital for communicating the gravity of the issues of climate change, but also to bring hope and joy for the future!
Josie, 17, Tree Guardian.