Meet Steph from Quiksound
Published on 15 March 2022
Why did you get involved in Quiksound Production?
I got involved because my older brother was a part of Quiksound and I loved hearing about his time there. When a spot opened up, I took the chance immediately. After I learnt about what amazing things they were doing, I couldn’t help but want to understand more about the youth and Monash community.
Why do you enjoy being involved in Quiksound Productions?
I enjoy so many things at Quiksound and one of those things is seeing everyone in the Monash community. You see so many people everyday but you don’t actually know them. Being part of this group has gotten me all over Monash, meeting new people and beginning to get to know them. It’s so nice to be a part of that when you might not be able to without this group. Inside the committee, I’ve made so many friends and connections that I honestly can’t believe it. It makes me so happy to think about it.
What skills have you developed during your time with the group?
I think it would be better to ask what I haven’t learnt as part of this group. I’ve developed my skills in leadership, event planning and working with stage, sound and lighting. People never see the behind the scenes and now being a part of them is quite unusual in the best way possible. The amount of detail that we go into what we do is so incredible and the way the team works around major or minor problems, it’s just absolutely great to see.
Who would you recommend this group to?
Any young person (12-25). Whether you have an interest in event planning or not, just go for it. The amount of opportunities that have opened up for me over the last nearly 3 years is crazy. You learn so much that is useful and can be reused later in life, it is such an advantage. And those skills that you don’t know now, you will when it’s your time to leave.