In 2024, Monash Youth Services is launching a social program for LGBTIQA+ young people co-designed by young people themselves.
Stage 1 of the project kicks off in March and will aim to form a steering committee of LGBTIQA+ identifying young people aged 16-25 who are passionate about issues affecting their community.
The group will meet weekly over 5 weeks starting in March to develop a program that promotes social connection while also addressing key issues affecting the wellbeing of LGBTIQA + young people.
Expressions of interest to join the steering committee close on Sunday 31 March 2024. For more information or to apply, please email or call Monash Youth Services on 9518 3900.
Stage 2 will launch in May 2024, the social educational program will be for young people aged 14-18 and will include social, recreational and personal development sessions presented by both Monash Youth Services and external organisations. To express interest in joining this program please contact us via the methods mentioned above.
This project is being supported by the Youth Affairs Council Victoria and the Victorian Government via the Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) Grants initiative aimed at supporting LGBTIQA+ young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
Glen Waverley