Social Media House Rules
Social media channels are places for the community to connect with your Council and let us know what you are thinking.
We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions wherever we can, please note that a response will be given during business hours only, 9am-5pm Monday - Friday. We encourage comments and contributions but respectful ones. Our House Rules can assist you.
We check our page regularly and reserve the right to delete/hide any published content, and/or report users who breach any of the following rules:
1. No posting of personal or confidential information, whether it be yours or someone else’s, including home address, phone numbers or addresses. If you need to send us personal or sensitive information, please do so via private message and we’ll call you to discuss. This includes posting of imagery, video, or content that identifies in part or whole a private property, or vehicle.
2. No posting or uploading of any indecent, defamatory, obscene, misleading, slanderous or unlawful material about Monash Council, its services and its people, or that violates the legal rights of others. This includes any personal or sensitive information about Councillors (such as home address) or Council’s staff (such as their name, home address or phone number) in your posts or comments.
3. No use of abusive, hateful, threatening, misleading or offensive language.
4. No trolling or deliberately disruptive discussions.
5. No posting or uploading of material that breaches the intellectual property rights of others.
6. No uploading of malicious software or files, indecent or inappropriately graphic images.
7. No promoting any commercial interests.
8. Terms of Use
Keep in mind:
- Posts on Monash Youth Services social media pages by social media users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Monash Council, nor does Monash Council confirm their accuracy.
- From time to time, Monash Youth Services may mention or tag a local business or organisation. This is not to be viewed as a formal endorsement in any way and does not necessarily mean Council has a partnership or sponsorship agreement with that business.
- In the case that Council deems any published content as having breached these rules, Council will, where possible and appropriate, make contact with the publisher of the content to explain the reasoning behind the decision.
- Social media platforms are managed by external parties and when you post you are subject to the privacy policy of that site. We encourage you to review that site’s privacy policy for further information.
- These House Rules also cover all Monash Youth Services social media channels including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.